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Total Posts: 1

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 04:18 am

can any one tell me a good mnemonic for remembering d cranial nerve related things

Total Posts: 149

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 07:45 am

* I-Olfactory nerve,
* II-Optic nerve,
* III-Oculomotor nerve,
* IV-Trochlear nerve,
* V-Trigeminal nerve,
* VI-Abducens nerve,
* VII-Facial nerve,
* VIII-Vestibulocochlear nerve/Auditory nerve,
* IX-Glossopharyngeal nerve,
* X-Vagus nerve,
* XI-Accessory nerve/Spinal accessory nerve and
* XII-Hypoglossal nerve

1. Ongoing Ordeals Of Trampoline Tragedies, America's Funniest Videos, Go Video! Saget Hour!
2. Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch A Female Vagina Gives Virgins Amazing Happiness
3. Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And Feel Virgin Girls Vaginas And Hymens
4. OLd OPrah's OCcupation: TROpical TRIps ABoard FAmous VESsels, GLamorous VAcations, ACCumulating HYPe
5. OLd OPie Opened The TRunk And Found VEry Green Vestiges And Hemp
6. OLd OPie OCcasionally TRies TRIGonometry And Feels VEry GLOomy, VAGUe, And HYPOactive
7. On Occasion Our Trusty Truck Acts Funny. Very Good Vehicle Any How
8. On Old Olympus' Towering Tops A Friendly Viking Grew Vines and Hops
9. On Old Olympus' Towering Top A Finely Vested German Viewed A Hawk
10. On Old Olympus' Towering Top A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops
11. On Old Olympus' Towering Top A Finn And German Vault And Hop
12. OLympic OPium OCcupies TROubled TRIathletes After Finishing VEgas Gambling VAcations Still High
13. Oliver the optimistic octopus trots triumphantly about facing audiences glossily vaguely spinning hippos.
14. Orange orangutans often try to avoid feeding angry gorillas very ancient hotdogs.
15. On Old Olympus' Tufted Top A Fat Armed German Viewed An Hop
16. Oh Oh Oh Topless Tiffany And Fat Valery Got Vaginitis And Hepatitis
17. Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And Feel Very Good Velvet. Such Heaven!
18. Oh Once One Takes The Anatomy Final Very Good Vacations Are Heavenly
19. OOO Truly There Are Five Very Gorgeous Vixens Awaiting Him
20. Oh, Oh, Onward Through The Airy Facade Viewing Gorgeous Vixens Acessorizing Hopelessly :You have 1 nose, 2 eyes, and 3,4,6 makes my eyes do tricks! :This rhyme will help to remember Cranial nerve I is olfactory,II is optic and also to remember that III,IV & VI are nerves that innervate extraocular muscles attached to the eyeballs ie., cranial nerves III,IV & VI make our eyes move.
21. One Of Our Two Timing Adults Found Very Good Values At Home.
22. One Of Our Telugu Teachers Asked For Very Good Vada And Halwa.
23. Orlando's Overweight Octopuses Try To Avoid Fuddrucker's And Grabbing Vienna Sausage Hamburgers

The mnemonics to remember the types of cranial nerves can be chosen from:

1. Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Bad Business Marry Money.

2. Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter More.

3. Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Boobs Matter More.

4. Small Ships Make Money, But My Brother Says Big Boats Make More.

5. Some Say Marilyn Monroe, But My Brother Says Bridgette Bardot Mmmm Mmmmm.

6. Some Students Make More Bs More Boys Say Bs Bring More Master.

7. Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Be Brave Marry Merry.

8. Still Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Blatz Beer Makes Money (note this includes cranial nerve zero also)

* With the next two sentences, nouns and adjectives have a parasympathetic compound, i.e. III, VII, IX, X)

9. Some Say Money Matters, But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter More.

10. Sally Sells Mega Monkeys, But My Brother Sells Bigger Better Mega Monkeys.

11. Some Stars Make Money, But My Brother Says Bugs Bunny Makes More.

12. Some Say Money Matters, But My Brother Says Big Boobs Matter More.

Total Posts: 1

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 05:36 am

i couldnt u'stood ur kast all pneomonics..
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