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UPSC CMS 2009 Paper 1 Mcq Of The Day

Question: A 55-year-old woman presents with progressively deepening jaundice, uncontrollable pruritus, pain in the abdomen (right upper quadrant) and yellow coloured urine. Investigations revealed:
Serum bilirubin - 19.5 mg%
SGPT - 45 IU/L
Serum Alkaline Phosphatase - 1225 IU/L
Prothrombin Time - 25 seec
Urine bile pigment - Present
Urine Urobilinogen - Absent
Stools - Clay coloured
What is the most likely diagnosis ?
A) Viral hepatitis
B) Cirrhosis of liver
C) Carcinoma of head of the pancreas
D) Hepato-cellular carcinoma