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(Single Best Answer) Question 121: Which type of amyloidosis is caused by mutation of the transthyretin protein ?
A) Familial Mediterranean fever
B) Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy
C) Dialysis associated amyloidosis
D) Prion protein associated amyloidosis
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(Single Best Answer) Question 122: In familial Mediterranean fever, the gene encoding the following protein undergoes mutation ?
A) Pyrin
B) Perforin
C) Atrial natriuretic factor
D) Immunoglobulin light chain
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(Single Best Answer) Question 123: Which of the following statements is not true ?
A) Patiens with IgD myeloma may present with no evident M-spike on serum electrophoresis
B) A diagnosis of plasma cell leukemia can be made if circulating peripheral blood plasmablasts comprise 14% of peripheral blood white cells in a patient with white blood cell count of 11 X 100 /L and platelet count of 88 X 109 /L
C) In smoldering myeloma plasma cells constitute 10 - 30% of total bone marrow cellularity
D) In a patient with multiple myeloma, a monoclonal light chain may be detected in both serum and urine
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(Single Best Answer) Question 124: In-situ DNA nick end labeling can quantitate ?
A) Fraction of cells in apoptotic pathways
B) Fraction of cells in S phase
C) p53 gene product
D) bcr/abl gene
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(Single Best Answer) Question 125: Which one of the following serum levels would help in distinguishing an acute liver disease from chronic liver disease ?
A) Aminotransferase
B) Alkaline phosphatase
C) Bilirubin
D) Albumin
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(Single Best Answer) Question 126: Which one of the following stains is specific for Amyloid ?
A) Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)
B) Alzerian red
C) Congo red
D) Von - Kossa
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(Single Best Answer) Question 127: Which one of the following diseases characteristically causes fatty change in liver ?
A) Hepatitis B virus infection
B) Wilson's disease
C) Hepatitis C virus infection
D) Chronic alcoholism
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(Single Best Answer) Question 128: A 48 year old woman was admitted with a history of weakness for two months. On examination, cervical lymph nodes were found enlarged and spleen was palpable 2 cm below the costal margin. Her hemoglobin was 10.5 g/dl, platelet count 237 X 109 / L and total leukocyte count 40 X 109 /L, which included 80% mature lymphoid cells with coarse clumped chromatin. Bone marrow revealed a nodular lymphoid infiltrate. The peripheral blood lymphoid cells were positive for CD19, CD5, CD20, CD23 and were negative for CD79B and FMC-7. The histopathological examination of the lymph node in this patient will most likely exhibit effacement of lymph node architecture by ?
A) A pseudofollicular pattern with proliferation centers
B) A monomorphic lymphoid proliferation with a nodular pattern
C) A predominantly follicular pattern
D) A diffuse proliferation of medium to large lymphoid cells with high mitotic rate
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(Single Best Answer) Question 129: The most common leukocytoclastic vasculitis affecting children is ?
A) Takayasu disease
B) Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (Kawasaki disease)
C) Henoch Schonlein purpura
D) Polyarteritis nodosa
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(Single Best Answer) Question 130: A four year old boy was admitted with a history of abdominal pain and fever for two months, maculopapular rash for ten days, and dry cough, dyspnea and wheezing for three days. On examination, liver and spleen were enlarged 4 cm and 3 cm respectively below the costal margins. His hemoglobin was 10.0 g/dl, platelet count 37 x 109/L and total leukocyte count 70 x 109/L, which included 80% eosinophils. Bone marrow examination revealed a cellular marrow comprising 45% blasts and 34% eosinophils and eosinophilic precursors. The blasts stained negative for myeloperoxidase and non-specific esterase and were positive for CD 19, CD 10, CD22 and CD20. Which one of the following statements in not true about this disease ?
A) Eosinophils are not part of the neoplastic clone
B) t(5; 14) rearrangement may be detected in blasts
C) Peripheral blood eosinophilia may normalize with chemotherapy
D) Inv (16) is often detected in the blasts and the eosinophils
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