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(Single Best Answer) Question 271: Antipsychotic drug-induced parkinsonism is treated by ?
A) Anticholinergics
B) Levodopa
C) Selegiline
D) Amantadine
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 272: Which one of the following is used in therapy of Toxoplasmosis ?
A) Artensenuate
B) Thiacetazone
C) Ciprofloxacin
D) Pyrimethamine
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 273: Which of the following drugs is useful in prophylaxis of migraine ?
A) Propranolol
B) Sumatriptan
C) Domperidone
D) Ergotamine
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 274: The most common pathogens responsible for nosocomial pneumonias in the ICU are ?
A) Gram positive organisms
B) Gram negative organisms
C) Mycoplasma
D) Virus infections
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 275: A 50 year old man, an alcoholic and a smoker presents with a 3 hour history of severe retrosternal chest pain and increasing shortness of breath. He started having this pain while eating, which was constant and radiated to the back and interscapular region. He was a known hypertensive. On examination, he was cold and clammy with a heart rate of 130/min, and a BP of 80/40 mm Hg. JVP was normal. All peripheral pulses were present and equal. Breath sounds were decreased at the left lung base and chest x-ray showed left pleural effusion. Which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
A) Acute aortic dissection
B) Acute myocardial infarction
C) Rupture of the esophagus
D) Acute pulmonary embolism
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 276: Which of the following is a cause of reversible dementia ?
A) Subacute combined degeneration
B) Picks disease
C) Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease
D) Alzheimer's disease
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 277: With reference to infections with Escherichia coli the following are true except ?
A) Enteroaggregative E.coli is associated with Persistent diarrhoea
B) Enterohemorrhagic E.coli can cause haemolytic uraemic syndrome
C) Enteroinvasive E.coli produces a disease similar to salmonellosis
D) Enterotoxigenic E.coli is a common cause of traveler's diarrhoea
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 278: The following statements are true regarding melioidosis except ?
A) It is caused by Burkholderia mallei
B) The agent is a gram negative aerobic bacteria
C) Bipolar staining of the aetiological agent is seen with methylene blue stain
D) The most common form of melioidosis is pulmonary infection
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 279: The following bacteria are most often associated with acute neonatal meningitis except ?
A) Escherichia coli
B) Streptococcus agalactiae
C) Neisseria meningitidis
D) Listeria monocytogenes
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 280: All of the following Vibrio sp. are halophilic, except ?
A) V.cholerae
B) V.parahaemolyticus
C) V.alginolyticus
D) V.fluvialis
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):