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(Single Best Answer) Question 11: The following bacteria can invade intact corneal epithelium except ?
A) Neisseria gonorrhoea
B) Haemophilus influenzae
C) Staphylococcus aureus
D) Listeria species
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(Single Best Answer) Question 12: Sclera is thinnet at ?
A) Limbus
B) Insertion of recti
C) Posterior pole
D) Equator
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 13: Sclera is weakest at all of the following sites except ?
A) Apex
B) Limbus
C) In front of insertion of rectus muscle
D) Behind insertion of rectus muscle
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 14: Corneal Dystrophies are usually ?
A) Primary Unilateral
B) Primary Bilateral
C) Primary Bilateral with Systemic Disease
D) Primary Unilateral without Systemic Disease
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 15: Enlarged corneal nerves may be seen in all of the following except ?
A) Keratoconus
B) Herpes simplex keratitis
C) Leprosy
D) Neurofibromatosis
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(Single Best Answer) Question 16: Contact lens wear is proven to have deleterious effects on the corneal physiology. Which of the following statements is incorrect in connection with contact lens wear ?
A) The level of glucose availability in the corneal epithelium is reduced
B) There is a reduction in hemidesmosome density
C) There is increased production of CO2 in the epithelium
D) There is a reduction in glucose utilization by corneal epithelium
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 17: Which of the following statement is true regarding Acanthamoeba keratitis ?
A) For the isolation of the causative agent, corneal scraping should be cultured on a nutrient agar plate
B) The causative agent, Acanthamoeba is a helminth whose normal habitat is soil
C) Keratitis due to Acanthamoeba is not seen in the immunocompromised host
D) Acanthamoeba does not depend upon a human host for the completion of its life-cycle
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(Single Best Answer) Question 18: A young man aged 30 years, presents with difficulty in vision in the left eye for the last 10 days. He is immunocompetent, a farmer by occupation, comes from a rural community and gives history of trauma to his left eye with vegetative matter 10 - 15 days back. On examination, there is an ulcerative lesion in the cornea, whose base has raised soft creamy infiltrate. Ulcer margin is feathery and hyphate. There are a few satellite lesions also. The most probable aetiological agent is ?
A) Acanthamoeba
B) Corynebacterium diphtheriae
C) Fusarium
D) Streptococcus pneumoniae
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 19: A soft contact lens user presents to you with pain, watering, photophobia and a white spot in the center of the cornea. What will be your initial management ?
A) Start frequent antibiotic eye drops after discontinuing the contact lens
B) Pad and bandage the eye for 12 hours
C) Frequent instillation of artificial tear
D) Topical non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAID)
Answer (Select an option above to get the answer):
(Single Best Answer) Question 20: In human corneal transplantation, the donor tissue is ?
A) Synthetic polymer
B) Donated human cadaver eyes
C) Donated eyes from live human beings
D) Monkey eyes
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