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West Bengal Post Graduate Medical Admission Test 2007

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1. Treatment of choice for Cancer anal canal ?
B. Radiotherapy
C. Chemotherapy
D. Chemotherapy with radiotherapy (Chemoradiation)

Ans. D
Reference: Schwartz handbook 7 ed. Pg653"Currently, the Nigro protocol of chemoradiation, which combines chemotherapy with 5 fu and mitomycin C with external beam radiation, is used....accomplishes cure rate comparable to that of APR and has replaced radical surgery as treatment of choice."
Contributed by: amiteng

2. Acrodynia is seen in poisoning due to ?
A. Mercury
B. Arsenic
C. Phenol

Ans. A

Contributed by: amiteng

3. Mossy fibes in cerebellum terminate on ?
A. Purkinjee cells
B. Granule cells

Ans. B

4. Western blot is used to detect ?
C. Antigen
D. Antibody

Ans. C
Contributed by: amiteng

5. Treatment of choice for primary CNS lymphoma ?
B. Radiotherapy
C. High Dose MTX
Ans. B / C

Contributed by: amiteng, Anonymous

6. Commonest cause of uveitis ?
A. External infection
B. Endogenous infection
C. Allergic inflammation
D. Secondary infection

Ans. C
Contributed by: amiteng, Anonymous

7. Vitamin (or Cofactor) involved in transamination ?
A. Thiamine
B. Riboflavin
C. Vit. B12
D. Pyridoxine / Pyridoxal phosphate

Ans. D
Contributed by: amiteng

8. Jones minor criteria for diagnosis of rheumatic fever doesnt include ?
A. prolonged PR interval
B. Arthralgia
C. elevated ASO Titre
D. increased C-reactive protein (not sure whether this was one of the options)

Ans. C
Contributed by: amiteng

9. Colored haloes are seen in ?
A. Episcleritis
B. Immature cataract
C. Open angle glaucoma

Ans. B
Contributed by: amiteng

10. Which is not to be given in early stage of treatment in a case of severe Protein Energy Malnutrition ?
A. Vit A
B. Iron

Ans B
Contributed by: amiteng

11.Criteria for adolescent friendly health worker ?
A. flexible
B. presentable
C. Judgemental ?
Ans. ?A
Contributed by: amiteng

12. All of the following are desirable attributes for a counseller except ?
A. understanding
B. sympathy
C. patience

Ans. ?B
Explanation: (Empathy and not sympathy is the desirable attribute of a Geneal practitioner for effective counselling and doctor-patient relationship... See Royal College of General Practitioners' (UK) guidelines)
Contributed by: amiteng

13. Commonest pancreatic tumour ?
A. Glucagonoma
B. Insulinoma
C. Gastrinoma

Ans. B
Contributed by: amiteng

14. meningioma arises from....... arachnoid cap cells.
15. liquid paraffin sterilization... hot air oven
16.not true about bacillus anthracis...... capsule made up of polysacharides.
17.Drug used in bipolar disorder with more antidepressant than anti manic property ...... sodium valproate.
18.drug that cause peripheral neuropathy......... vincristine.
19.not to be done in ca cevix... usg.
20. tx of invasive vulval ca..... radical valvectomy.
21.nail finding in psoriasis..... pitting of nails.
22. counselor should have towards client..... understanding
23. im nailing of tibia most common complication .....anterior tibial pain
24. angle of arthroscope... 90
25. plaster of paris...... hemi acetal of calcium sulfate
26. calcification of intervertbral disc is not seen in????????
a. alkaptonuria b. sorcoidosis d.. DISH disease d. degenrative spondylosis
27. malabsorption not seen in????
1.diabetes mellitus 2. cushings syndrome. 28. marker of peroxisomes... catalase.
29. hormone not increase the action of hormone sensitive lipase....... Insulin.
30.chloroma is seen in ... AML
31.operation used in adult onset congenital pyloric stenosis...... Pyloroplasty.
32. 52 year old male with foul smelling breath..... Zenkers diverticulum
33. killians dehiscence.... two parts of inferior constrictor.
34. does not drain in coronary sinus... ant. cardiac vein for coronary heart disease.......... HDL 2
36. 42 year old farmer with dilated pupil and dry mouth.... dhatura poisoning.
37. drug of choice for pseudomonas.... ceftazidime.
38. female of 36 week of gestation with visual blurring, BP- 170/110, retinal changes in ophthalmoscopy tx is...... CS
39. not an oestrogen.... levonorgestrol.
40. luteal phase defect is diagnosed in clinical practice...... both measurement of progesterone level and endometrial biopsy.
41. not causing hyperkalemia in cardiac failure..... furesemide.
42. lesat beneficial in myocardial infraction with congestive heart failure is..... Digoxin...
43. condition with bone resorption and bone formation simultaneously................. pagets disease.
44. bronchodilation.......... exercise.
45. cardiac out put is not increased in... ASD.
46.least speed of conduction....... AV bundle fibers
47. in gross osteum secondum Asd increased work is done by...... Lt atrium, Rt atrium, Rt ventricle.
48. splitting of S2 is due to......... .
49. commonest site of stomach carcinoma........ proximal 1 third.
51. usg at which week of gestation will give max information....... 18-22 weeks.
52. screening of gestational diabetes done at...... 24-28 weeks.
53. tx of pediculosis capitis and pediculosis pubis ... 1% permethrin
54. not a branch of ant division of internal iliac artery....... Superior gluteal artery.
55. fabela develops in....... lateral head of gastronoemius.
56. straight leg raising test positive in..... disc prolapse.
57. single vertebral body collapse seen in...... trauma, metastasis,TB all r true.
58. not seen in HIV...... astrocytoma.
59. Trapezoid body is related to....... lateral leminiscus.
60. halax valgus tx is.......... shoe correction according to appley and surgery according to maheswari.
61. medulla oblongata not supplied by spinal artery or ant infer cerebral artery
62.pregnancy with severe chloroquine resistance malaria doc........ quinine.
63. morphine not used via...... sublingual and oral mucus membrane route.
64. not soluble in water......... propofol.
65. max absorption of LA by which route. but i ticked caudal route.)
66. given in children for refraction testing...... 1% atropine ointment.
67. minerva cast... for cervical spine.
68. ectopic pregnancy not true is....... broad ligament haematoma
69. most common refractive error... Myopia. ( confirmed from internet.)
70.ACE Inhibitors and spironolactone should not be given simultaneously due to risk of....... hyperkalemia.
71. which should not be given in pregnancy for analgesia...... Morphine.
72.sequence of putrefaction...... Heart- spleen-brain-uterus.
73. schizophrenia occurrence in next issue if previous 1 is affected....... answer should be 5 % ( check harrison it is given 6.6 % )
74. double bubble sign..... duodenal atresia
75. Takayasu arteritis most commonly affects.... arch of aorta.
76. most common hernia to go strangulation...... femoral.
77. 52 year male with inferoir wall MI with BP. 80/60 with heart rate 40 bpm immediate management....... I.V. atropine. ( Not confirmed but).
78. Female primi after 7 days of delivery calls her doctor n complains of bleeding pv best advice is........ its normal for 14 days.
79. Moron...........50-69 IQ
80. most common congenital foot deformity .... club foot.
81. congenital [pyloric stenosis fluid of choice for resuscitation....... normal saline ( but not confirmed ).
82. infectious mononucleosis not seen.... grossly severe odematous oral and pharyngeal mucosa.
83. Gas bubble in portal vein( cl. perfringes.)
84. chondroblastoma arises from...... epiphysis.
85. meniers disease.. scala media
86.dnt have cell membrane receptor...... thyroxine.
87.rothera test.... ketone bodies.
88.fluride inhibits..... Enolase.
89. methylene blue test is done for...... indirect confirmation of bacterial count in milk.
90.left shifting of neutrophil..... Liver disease.. ( not confirmed)
91. Gilbert syndrome wats incoorect....... seen predominantly in females.
92. IUFD not seen in... sickle cell trait.
94.not a sex cord tumor…………...Brenner tumor.
95.norplant……… subdermal implant.
96.age determination in 20-50 years…….. skull bone.
97.heparin and aspirin when given simultaneously increases the risk of bleeding…….. bcoz aspirin inhibit platelet function.
98.drug that cause sedation…. Clonidine.
99.most commonly used dug for medical management of pregnancy…… methotrexate,.
100.cocaine abuse is much similar to……. Heroine abuse. ( ref- Harrison.)
101.Malignant otitis externa…….. pseudomonas.
102.not a complication of phototherapy…….. hyperglycemia.
103.antipsychotic having least extrapyramidal side effect….. thioridazine. ( Ref- KDT)
104.Cell stability is maintained by…….. K+ ion.
105. syphilis is most infectious ……. Secondary syphilis ( Ref- Panikar.)
106.Most common sinusitis in children…. Maxillary sinusitis.
107 false about true Proteinuria of Pregnancy……. Associated with acute pyelonephritis.
108.shortest incubation Period is of,…………. Staph food poisoning.
109. immunoglobulin crossing placenta…… IgG
110. which tumor secretes AFP……… yolk sac tumor.
111. Not secreted by setoli cells……… Androgens..
112.LA most absorbed from……. Intercostals block.
113.view used to detect minimal pleural effusion…….. lat decubitus view.
114.Most common tumor of post mediastinum……… Neurofibroma.
115.early clamping of cord id not done in……. IUGR
116.Internal Hordoleum……….. meibomian Gland.
117.Flea beaten kidney is not seen in……. amyloidosis.
118.Not seen in Malignant hypertension…… Hyaline arteriosclerosis.
119.drug that does not cause increased ICT……. Acetazolamide.
120. Drug that decrease both heart rate and blood pressure….. halothane.
121.Not a mean of cellular adaptation….. dysplasia.
122.true in pregnancy…… PCV and plasma volume both increases but increase in plasma volume is out of proportion of PCV increment.
123.does not cause atypical pneumonia….. H..influenzae.
124. a primi without any history of blood transfusion, means of ABO incompatibility in fetus would be…… natural IgG antibody.
125.Which blood group is not possible in mother or father if child has O negative blood group…. AB negative.
126. Empty triangle sign is seen on cect in.... arterial sinus thrombosis
127. breast condition undergoing malignant changes….. epitheliosis.
128. Not true about cystosarcoma phylloides….. Frequently under go in malignant transformation.
129.charcteristic of Ant cranial fossa fracture……. Black eye.
130. cleft lip……… maxillary process fails to fuse with lateral nasal process.
131. not true about branchial sinus….. Midline opening.
132. Not used in motion sickness….. metoclopramide.
133.drug that does not cause sideroblastic anemia... paracetamol.
134.pleural calcification not seen in... sarcoidosis.
135. atlantoaxial joint dislocation... RA
136. hoshimoto"s thyroiditis..... antibodies against thyroglobulin
137. first to be done in investigation of epidemic... confirmation of diagnosis
Q14 to Q137 Contributed by - Anonymous