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(Single Best Answer) Question 111: All of the following are true regarding morphology of Chlamydia except ?
A) Elementary bodies are metabolically active
B) Biphasic life cycle
C) Once inside the cell it can evade host defense mechanisms
D) (something about Reticulate bodies)
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(Single Best Answer) Question 112: All are true regarding Chlamydia pssitacci except ?
A) Transmitted by parrots
B) Causes community acquired pneumonia
C) Causes inclusion conjunctivitis
D) Tetracycline is the treatment of choice
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(Single Best Answer) Question 113: Which of this is not true about Vibrio O139 ?
A) Can cause disease indistinguishable from Vibrio O1
B) Was fist isolated in chennai
C) has O-antigen polysaccharide capsule
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(Single Best Answer) Question 114: Which of this is not true about Vibrio cholerae ?
A) Nonhalophilic
B) Can be grown in ordinary media
C) Can survive outside the body
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(Single Best Answer) Question 115: Which of the following act by increasing cAMP / adenylate cyclase ?
A) Vibrio cholerae
B) Staphylococcus aureus
C) E. coli, heat stable toxin
D) Salmonella
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(Single Best Answer) Question 116: Which of the following is not true regarding Chlamydia ?
A) Has biphasic life
B) Elementary body is metabolically active
C) Reticulate body undergoes binary fission
D) Once it invades into cell it abates phagolysosomal fusion
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(Single Best Answer) Question 117: Which of the following is not useful for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ?
A) Cefaclor
B) Cotrimoxazole
C) Ciprofloxacin
D) Vancomycin
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(Single Best Answer) Question 118: With reference to Bacteriodes fragilis, the following statements are true except ?
A) Bacteroides fragilis is the most frequent anaerobe isolated from clinical samples
B) Bacteriodes fragilis is not uniformly sensitive to metronidazole
C) The LPS formed by Bacteriodes fragilis is structurally and functionally different from the conventional endotoxins
D) Shock and DIC are common in Bacteriodes bacteremia
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(Single Best Answer) Question 119: A person from village is complaining of developement of pustules of the leg. Culture was done which showed gram positive cocci in chains which were alpha hemolytic colonies and catalase negative, identified as group A streptococci. Which of the following tests will best identify the organism ?
A) Bile solubility
B) Optochin sensitivity
C) Bacitracin sensitivity
D) Novobiocin sensitivity
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(Single Best Answer) Question 120: A young male patient presented with UTI. On urine examination, abundant pus cells were found on gram stain but no organisms were seen. Which method would be best used for culture ?
A) Mc Coy cell line
B) Thayer Martin Medium
C) L.J. Medium
D) Levinthal medium
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